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pitch of tones中文是什么意思

用"pitch of tones"造句"pitch of tones"怎么读"pitch of tones" in a sentence


  • 声调的调值


  • Another reproduced the most singular combinations with a spinning - top ; in his hands the revolving tops seemed to be animated with a life of their own in their interminable whirling ; they ran over pipe - stems , the edges of sabres , wires , and even hairs stretched across the stage ; they turned around on the edges of large glasses , crossed bamboo ladders , dispersed into all the corners , and produced strange musical effects by the combination of their various pitches of tone . the jugglers tossed them in the air , threw them like shuttlecocks with wooden battledores , and yet they kept on spinning ; they put them into their pockets , and took them out still whirling as before
用"pitch of tones"造句  
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